S Line Nose Surgery Korea

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C-7 Revision Nose Surgery image 1


Nose Surgery

S Line Nose surgery is to create a three-dimensional and voluminous face, through a parallel approach to nose surgery and forehead fat transplantation, Mine Plastic Surgery considers balance in the face, personal taste, etc… Through Soft S line Nose Surgery Korea, a beautiful facial line can be created from the forehead line to the end of the nose.

S-line Nose Surgery Features

1. From the forehead to the end of the nose, a beautiful facial line
2. S Line Rhinoplasty is a design to achieve an ideal nose, angle, and height and natural line
3. Creating a balance that is suitable to create a natural facial line

S-line Nose Surgery Methods

C-8 S-line Nose Surgery method image 1

After removing fat, using the LIPOCOLLECTOR2, fiber and oil extraction using pure fat harvesting

C-8 S-line Nose Surgery method image 2

Suitability for each noses condition to proceed with S line Rhinoplasty surgery

C-8 S-line Nose Surgery method image 3

Due to extracted fat, the sections of the forehead that lack volume (Pure fat in the forehead, fat transplantation)

C-8 S-line Nose Surgery method image 4


The Surgery When Applicable

C-2 Soft Lower Nose Surgery when applicable-image 4
  • With a low nose, and dull forehead, S line rhinoplasty is ideal..
  • Where the elasticity in the forehead is lacking, or if you have wrinkles.
  • If after nose surgery, the nose does not look sharper or higher, or if you have not seen enough surgical effect, than you may adopt S line rhinoplasty